
Mid-level Software Engineer
Oct-2021 - Jan-2023
Software Engineer
Menlo Park, CA
In 2021 I joined Meta's rotational program which is intended to give candidates an opportunity to work with different teams while performing as an IC4-level engineer. My first team is part of the Biz-Growth organization which is responsible for working on many features related to enterprise clients and partners. I was able to graduate from this program in 6 months, which is ahead of the normal 1-year allowance. I stayed with this team to continue working on various exciting projects with the intent to deliver impactful business features and continue driving the major migration of Business Legacy Pages to Profile+. During my time at Meta, I worked with and utilized many technologies such as Hack, JavaScript, React, GraphQL, Relay, Flow, and many other internal/proprietary tools.
FB Lite - LAR self-removal

As part of this project, I was required to quickly ramp up on one of the internal mobile frameworks (Native Templates) to enable Limited Access Role admins to remove themselves from Additional Profile+ Pages for which they had been assigned to. In implementing this feature, I was required to make changes on the client side by creating a bottom sheet that provided the entry point CTA for this new flow. Once the user had clicked on this new CTA and entry point, the user was presented with a flow of screens before confirming self-removal as admin of the page. All changes made on the client side efficiently and accurately persisted across the entire stack such as database, and the web application.
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